First of all, I'm going to tell you why I chose this topic.The Forty Rules of Love is one of the most effective book that I have read so far. It is about Love as it is understood its name it includes two different Love, one is contemporary Love another is spiritual love between the Sufi poet and mystic Rumi.It is written by Elif Shafak and was published in March 2009.
Secondly, I'm going to tell you why I chose pink theme. The first edition of book is covered with pink color and get too much criticism from men since pink color is related with women. Men do not like the color pink as they think it is gifted color for women. In order to get men's attraction, the publisher began to publish grey books.As the orginal version of the book is pink, I chose the pink theme.
Contemporary LOVE
Ella Rubenstein is a married women and has three children when she gets a job as a reader for a literary agent. Her first task is to submit a report about Sweet Blasphemy, a novel which is written by a man named Aziz Zahara. Ella gets too much affected by his story of dervish known as Shams of Tabriz because he searches for his soulmate in order to share his experience and ideas about sufizm. His soulmate is Rumi who is poet, jurist, theologian, and Sufi mystic also well liked and appreciated by citizens of Konya(a holly city in Turkey where Rumi lived and is laid to rest). Ella follows Shams's rules which are about the unity of all people and religions, and the presence of love in each and every one of us. While she reads, she makes contact with Aziz Zahara for share her personal life in the light of these forty rules of Shams. As they talk, they begin to feel closer each other.
Spiritual LOVE
The spiritual Love is between Rumi and Shams.Both of them desire to have a soulmate as a mentor. They somehow find each other. Before they encounter, both know that there is somenone to share their own ideas. After they ecounter, they begin to transfer their knowledge and wisdom to each other. That creates a spiritual LOVE between them.
The book is as fluent as time while you are reading. You want to finish the book immediately, but as you reach the end of the book, you do not want to finish the book. I want to give much more information but since I am afraid of loosing of charming of the book, so after you read the book, I want you to make comment in that blog...
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